Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
MLD encourages your lymphatic system to pump stronger and to function better. MLD uses gentle rhythmic and repetitive strokes that may help reduce pain by tapping into mechanoreceptor and sensory receptors to intervene pain signals. Furthermore these unique strokes calm down your sympathetic nervous system and help you relax better.
How we can help!
MLD is used in conditions such as:
- Venous stasis ulceration
- Wounds
- Scar tissue
- Burns
- Traumatic oedema
- Acute whiplash
- Meniere’s Syndrome
- Migraines
- Chronic sinusitis
- Pre/Post surgery
- Post injury
- Fatigue/Stress
Absolute contraindications to MLD include:
- Congestive heart failure
- Untreated cancer
- Acute thrombosis
- Acute infection
- Acute allergy
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to book an appointment you can use our online booking system or call 08 6460 3285.
Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT)
CDT is used to manage patients with lymphoedema and venous insufficiency oedema, using a combination of MLD, exercise therapy, compression bandaging/garments and skin care to tackle the life-long fight with lymphoedema and improve your quality of life. This allows advanced care of patients with lymphoedema, whether from surgery, radiation or congenital malformation and help them reduce their swelling.
There are 2 phases;
Initial Phase: To reduce the swelling its symptoms as much as possible.
Ideally 5 sessions a week for anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. The therapist assesses the swelling and performs MLD, bandaging and teach how to perform exercises. At home, bandaging is kept on at all times unless in the shower or bath. And to continue the prescribed exercises and applying skin care.
Maintenance Phase: To keep the swelling down.
Towards the end of the initial phase, volume reduction starts to stabilize and then the treatment plan will be rearranged to weekly or monthly sessions. Also a compression garment is recommended to replace bandaging. At home, compression garments are kept on and continue to exercise and monitor your condition carefully. Successfully maintaining the reduced volume of the afflicted area is essential to prevent further problems developed by lymphoedema.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to book an appointment you can use our online booking system or call 08 6460 3285.