Does Chiropractic Hurt?
We can’t promise you anything but we can say that a small group of people predominantly experiences mild, achy soreness after treatment which lasts only 1-2 days. Otherwise Chiropractic adjustments and massages have positive results leaving the majority of clients feeling great! Remember, if you have any adverse reactions please don’t hesitate to let us know so your practitioner is informed and can work with you.
Is Chiropractic Safe?
Yes it is safe! Our practitioners will take a detailed history and examination to determine if you are the right candidate for the procedure before proceeding. Utilising the right technique for your case will also dramatically reduce the risk of complications. The risk of severe adverse reaction i.e. cerebrovascular injury or stroke following Chiropractic Adjustment is classified as rare, about 1 in 1-1.5 million! If you have any reservations on any of the procedures discussed please inform your practitioner so they can customise your treatment.
Dry Needling vs Acupuncture?
The definition of acupuncture is ‘piercing the skin’. So dry needling is technically acupuncture. However, when we say acupuncture the first thing we think about is Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture which focuses on energy flow and balance using Meridian lines. Dry Needling on the other hand has taken the Eastern philosophy out of it and instead is used as a soft tissue technique to release tension whilst using the same needles.
Massage vs Remedial Massage Therapist?
Remedial Massage Therapists have done extra study to receive a Diploma in Remedial Massage. Their training helps in diagnosing and treating specific conditions. Private health rebates are also available for Remedial Massage depending on your level of cover, while normal massage therapy is not.
Do I need a referral?
No! No referrals are necessary to see any of our practitioners privately. But you are encouraged to speak to your health practitioner on how our services can help you! However, if you are eligible, you will need a referral from your doctor to receive Medicare rebates of under the Chronic Disease Management Plan or Mental Health Treatment Plan, covering the majority of the cost of treatment.